No, there is no need to register on new LLP portal again. The user can login to MCA system based on following rules/ guidelines:
• The users registered in the earlier LLP system (registered/ business) will be able to login MCA system as a registered user with their existing user ID.
• To make the login credentials corresponding to the MCA21 guidelines, the length of the ‘Login id’ will be restricted to the first 11 characters.
• Users would need to enter the password as a combination of the first four characters of their User ID in CAPS and their date of birth (USER@ddmmyy). For example – If the user ID is Rameshkum and Date of Birth of the user is 02nd Jun 1974; then the password to be provided shall be RAME@020674.
• Users would be required to change their password on the first time login.
• Users with same login credential (user-id) as similar to any other existing user of MCA system will be able to login by pre-fixing ‘E’ before their user-id and the length of the user-id restricted to 11 characters. For example: A user with login-id “DEEPAKKUMAR” which is similar to any existing user in MCA system shall use “EDEEPAKKUMA”. The list of all users whose user-id has been changed in the above format will be published on the MCA system and users will also be intimated through an e-mail message.
• In case same person has different user ids in LLP and MCA21 system, then they can continue to access the system with both the user-ids. However, transactions carried out in the earlier LLP system can be accessed through earlier LLP user-id. As a good practice, it is suggested to maintain a single user ID for future for ease of use.